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2011-08-10 16:31:05
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<img:>The Princess Dove<img:>

Once upon a time...

in the faraway kingdom of Golandith, there was a beautiful princess with flowing, raven-black hair, lovely hazel eyes that glowed a mystic green in the moonlight, charmingly pale skin with only a dash of freckles on her cheeks and lush, full lips. Every man her age sought after her affection.
One day, while singing in the forest, she came upon a wounded hunter in the woods, his legs broken and bleeding in the mud and his cries echoing in the trees. He beckoned the princess for help, beseeched her to carry him home. The princess, though small in stature compared to this man, hurried to help, offering her hands in aide. It was then that the wounded hunter transformed into an angry and dark wizard, who cast a spell on the princess, changing her into a white dove on the spot. He laughed at her as he caged her and said, "You have caught the eye of I, the Dark Warlock Meyadeth, and you shall be mine. Every night, you will be woman, but every day you shall remain feathered and caged. Soon, the world will forget about you and your beauty, and when that day comes, you will return to the kingdom with me as your king, and I shall rule the kingdom in darkness and shadow."
Fortunately for the princess, her good friend, a shape-shifter named Perin, had been spying in the form of a weasle, and after hearing the Dark Warlock Meyadeth's plot, he scampered back to the kingdom, changing before the great King Liadar and telling him the fate of his daughter. The King sent out every knight and soldier he could muster... but no one could find the princess or the Dark Warlock. And so the King set out a reward: To the brave knight who rescues my beloved daughter, and brings her home to me alive and well, shall recieve a handsome three hundred pences and be named Duke of all the Northern lands of Golandith, along with a last favor, that shall be bestowed at the knight's request.
Little time has passed... and ones brave enough to journey for the princess are growing thin in numbers... Yet still the princess waits in the iron cage of the Dark Warlock in his own shadowed kingdom far away... losing hope... losing strength.

Who will save her now?


Princess Dove: Characters
Princess Dove: Rules
Princess Dove: Roleplay


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2009-07-28 [Atayemi]: Sure. ^^

2009-07-28 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *gasp!* Really?! ^-^ *happeh*

2009-07-28 [Atayemi]: If it means I can make an animal as a character as well as a somewhat humane one, I'm definitely in. :P

2009-07-29 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Of course! ^^ Anthros are definitely okay. *nod nod*

2009-07-29 [Atayemi]: I dunno what animal to be! ><" I was thinking a blue jay but now I wanna be a furry animal. xD Not a fantasy one though..

2009-07-29 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *giggles and shrugs* ^^ Whatever would be fun to play, I guess. I was thinking about making either a dragon or a pegasus. XD

2009-07-29 [Atayemi]: Rofl pegasus. XD I was thinking of a messenger animal or something.. But doves are messenger animals. xD

2009-07-29 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *shrugs* You can make another dove? XD Someone to be friends with Arlen during the day?

2009-07-29 [Atayemi]: Nah, that was what I was thinking with the blue jay instead.. and the jay is a messenger for one of the knights who wants to save her. >.> The knight would be my second character, lol. o_o

2009-07-29 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Oooh! I rather like that idea! ^^ Ya know, you could make it an owl? Owls are messenger birds too. Or a falcon.

2009-07-29 [XxTsomexX]: I'm so excited!! :D

2009-07-29 [Atayemi]: Maybe one of those tiny falcons, yeah.. :o

2009-07-29 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *giggles* That could work. ^^ *glomps Tsome-kun*

2009-07-29 [XxTsomexX]: XD *gets glomped* this is gonna be fuuuuun!

2009-07-29 [Elwyne]: well if you wanted furry you could be a flying squirrel

2009-07-29 [XxTsomexX]: XXD omg I love squirrels... though they scare me if they get too close to me...

2009-07-29 [Elwyne]: well it could be used as a messenger type and it's furry. So, I thought I'd suggest it.

2009-07-29 [Atayemi]: Wow.. I could base the character off me. Again. XD A hyperactive squirrel.. lmao!

2009-07-29 [Elwyne]: (laughs brightly) nice! Sounds like fun... oooh! could Amarlin ride on its back? (not knowing whether the character would be male or female)

2009-07-29 [Atayemi]: Lmao I don't know.. I don't know if I'm gonna make it yet. :P

2009-07-29 [Elwyne]: ah... (thinks) 

2009-07-29 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *giggles* That would be very cute!

2009-07-29 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Alright! *claps* I'mma make the beginning post in the Cursed Forest, Golandith, and the last one in the Neutral area.

2009-07-29 [Elwyne]: yay! (goes to make a watch on each of the pages)

2009-07-29 [Elwyne]: Atayemi... anything I can do to help you with your character at all? (just wondering)

2009-07-29 [Evolution X]: must... not... be... sheep

2009-07-29 [Evolution X]: *gasps and points* Ja'cuse! Perin?

2009-07-29 [Nevermore.]: I will make a char for this asap. I left my internet at work last night so i couldnt do it last night. >< sorry

2009-07-29 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Aye! ^^ I hope you don't mind, Evo-kun. ^^" I just thought the name was fitting. *glomps both Evo-kun and Nevy-kun* Make charries! XD

2009-07-29 [Atayemi]: I'll make mine soon.. I'm falling asleep here so I'm going to nap for 40 mins or so. ^^

2009-07-29 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Awww (._.) Okies. *pats Tay-tay*

2009-07-30 [Evolution X]: I shall as soon as I can, but I most busy lately and can't spend a lot of time thinking of characters on here. I shall attempt around the weekend.

2009-07-30 [Eyelash-Wishes]: this looks interesting. :)

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Eeee! *glomps sunshine* ^^ YAY! Join! You make good badies. Make me a villain! XD

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: And Tsome-kun, how about you start in the Neutral area first? That way you can run around the forest with my charrie instead of waiting for someone to come find you. :)

2009-07-30 [Atayemi]: Pah I don't know what to make.. ;_; I usually do, but I'm just lost for ideas, lol.

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *giggles* You should make... *shifty eyes* <.< >.> <.< .................. A PLATAPUS!

2009-07-30 [Atayemi]: That would actually be pretty cute, and I'd call it Horry! xDD But he wouldn't be able to do much. :P

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Sure he could! XD He can swim! And... build things with his tail! And EAT SNAILS! :D

2009-07-30 [Atayemi]: Hmmm wouldn't be very helpful to the princess now would it? :P XD

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *giggles* Maybe he can be a magical platapus? XD He can cast spells and whatnot. :P *gasp!* He can be the white magician that breaks the curse on Arlen! XD

2009-07-30 [Atayemi]: Now that would be a twist right there! :OOOO That's it, no one take my platypus character! XD

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Lol! YAY! XDDD

2009-07-30 [Atayemi]: I'm off out now so I'll make him as soon as I get home. :P

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Okies. ^^ Like I told Jadey and Tsome-kun, I'm here all day.

2009-07-30 [Eyelash-Wishes]: lol ok i'll make a villain :D

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: YAY!

2009-07-30 [Eyelash-Wishes]: lol XD i'll get started on them now

2009-07-30 [no one123456]: *sits in a corner* ._.'

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *glomps Ash*

2009-07-30 [Nevermore.]: gah. stoopid me being busy at works...i shall start my charie now

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *nod nod*

2009-07-30 [no one123456]: *snuggles Lainie* ^///////^

2009-07-31 [shadowfire09]: oh lainie, I finally come back and you are gone. You poop.

2009-07-31 [no one123456]: Did you just call her poop? XDDD

2009-07-31 [Evolution X]: I might might two charies, one original and a sheepie...

2009-07-31 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: SHEEPIE! *tackles Evo-kun* XD

2009-07-31 [no one123456]: Hehe... Sheep remind of Hiro from Fruits Basket... :3

2009-07-31 [Evolution X]: ACKTH!

2009-07-31 [no one123456]: Lol *watches* :3

2009-08-01 [shadowfire09]: I did. I'm mature like that. =-]

2009-08-01 [no one123456]: Lmao wow... Yeah... Imma stick to calling her the sexy beast. XP lol... Poop... Rofl.

2009-08-02 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *laughs* You guys can call me whatever the hell you want, I've heard it all under the sun. XD

2009-08-02 [shadowfire09]: so...what can we call you at night then? haha

2009-08-02 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2009-08-02 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: LMAO! XD Hmmm. BATMAN! *dunna-dunna-dunna-nunna-BATMAN!*

2009-08-02 [XxTsomexX]: LOL! Wait... who's Robin then...? I'll be the Joker ;D

2009-08-02 [no one123456]: Ill be robin! Im actually about his age too. XP

2009-08-02 [Evolution X]: I SHALL BE THE RIDDLER!

2009-08-02 [no one123456]: Lol this would be awesome if we could actually do that.

2009-08-02 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: AYe. XD

2009-08-02 [no one123456]: *noms on watermelon* :3

2009-08-04 [shadowfire09]: okay question, there is only three people roleplaying in golandith at the moemnt, but there are a lot more people in good. How do we know when to get the other characters involved?

2009-08-04 [Elwyne]: Amarlin's good but she's stuck in bad guy zone. I thought it would be nice if the captured princess had some company. But if you want her to come to Golandith... the princess could ask her to deliver a message or something.

2009-08-04 [Artsy]: Oh my, you are already so far...

2009-08-04 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *shakes head* Not really, LA. ^^ There's still room for intros if you wanted to jump in. You're more than welcome!

And all the other good characters are still needing to jump in, or are in the Neutral area as well. So far we have:

Cursed Forest- Amarlin, Arlen (both good charries); Meyadeth, Trekken, You and Jetta (bad charries).
Princess Dove: Roleplay- Cilideh, Buddy, Hikaru (all neutral charries)
Golandith- Liadar (whom I still need to make a charrie page for), Perin, Arianna (also still needs a page done), Amareth (all good charries).

2009-08-04 [Artsy]: No cat-chan, I mean... that's a lot of posts and stuff to read over, just to get a feel for the layout of stuff....

2009-08-04 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *nod nod* If you want, I can simply summarize it for you? ^^ In a PM of course.

2009-08-04 [Artsy]: If you really want me to join...

2009-08-04 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *giggles* I would love it if you did. ^^ You're an excellent rp-er and you keep the story interesting. But I won't make you, if you don't think you'll have time for it. I know how it can be sometimes.

2009-08-04 [Artsy]: Mmmm I think I can read it all... shouldn't be too much trouble.... Why aren't you on messenger? I'd like to talk to you about this.

2009-08-05 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *nods* Sure thing. ^^

2009-08-05 [Artsy]: *shifts impatiently* I want to post, but I should wait for Evo...

2009-08-06 [Evolution X]: sorry >_>

2009-08-06 [no one123456]: I think I made Hikaru take in the temper of his vampire inheritance more than I really wanted. >.>'

2009-08-06 [Artsy]: It's ok. I think everyone there is pretty forgiving. Plus, with the stress of all the danger, anyone could be snappy.... Though I feel like we're kind of ignoring Buddy.... Sorry Evo. ^^'' I just changed Nanne so as to make it where you guys don't really have to pay attention to him, and consider he's going to talk, because he's not going to now.

2009-08-06 [no one123456]: Haha yeah... Buddy is a pretty good character. :P
But seriously... what the hell is he? xD

2009-08-06 [Artsy]: I believe Buddy is actually based on another Buddy. >_> Another of Evo's characters. But now, he's just a spell gone awry. ^^

2009-08-06 [no one123456]: Aw!!!!!!!! *feels bad*

2009-08-06 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *giggles*

2009-08-07 [no one123456]: *pokes Lainie* :D

2009-09-02 [Evolution X]: ..................... mnaaaaaawr?

2009-09-11 [Evolution X]:


2009-09-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Because inconsiderate people have ceased posting. ><"

2009-09-11 [Artsy]: but.. but TT^TT I.. it's not.. my turn.. i posted and.. and I... <img:44166_1164145230.gif> Don't yell at me, i'm very adverse to conflict...

2009-09-11 [Evolution X]: I poot at the people who have not posted

2009-09-12 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *huggles LA and croons to her* Sssshhh, it's okay. You did nothing wrong. *nods and pets* I knew it wasn't your turn.

2009-09-12 [Elwyne]: (looks up) is it my turn?

2009-09-12 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Aye, it is. *nods*

2009-09-13 [Elwyne]: <img:44166_1164145230.gif> I'm sorry... I've been trying to keep up!

2009-09-13 [XxTsomexX]: Wait, I am kinda stuck on Golandith... what exactly is goin on there??? *whine*

2009-09-15 [Elwyne]: well... I haven't been paying attention to the other stuff lately... but Buddy is carrying Amarlin in to deliver news to the King

2009-09-15 [Evolution X]: *coughs slightly* Ok... Buddy is currently showing Amarlin to the king to tell him about the wearabouts of his daughter; all the other neautral characters are there as well, I'm not going to try and remember long complicated names. Jetta has abandoned Meyadeth's house for now as she feels mistreated and had an arguement with You, who keeps having small fits and is now in the basement. Trekken (probably spelt wrong) and.... Hannae? I can't remember the spelling, they're having a strange little courting thing in the cursed forest because Trekken was transformed into an attractive man by Meyadeth, who himself is talking to the new lady in his home.

2009-10-02 [shadowfire09]: I'm sorry I'm so slow at posting...but I get confused as to who's I have to keep switching back and forth between teh roleplay page and the character page (Yay for internet tabs) and so it takes a bit longer than it should. so i never have time...between college homework and trying to find a job. once things get settled down i'll post more often. I promise

2010-01-22 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Okay... This is getting annoying. I'm seriously considering restarting this thing. All in favor?

2010-01-22 [XxTsomexX]: Aye

2010-01-22 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Yep

2010-01-22 [Evolution X]: Poot, but ok...

2010-01-22 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Okay. The ayes have it. We're cleaning up and restarting. All characters (except those requested or necessary) will be deleted.

2010-01-22 [Evolution X]: I want both of mine kept pwease >3>

2010-01-22 [Eyelash-Wishes]: same here please

2010-01-22 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *nods* Noted. Anyone else?

2010-01-22 [XxTsomexX]: i would like to keep my one character i have

2010-01-22 [Artsy]: Umm I'll keep mine I suppose..

2010-01-22 [Elwyne]: ummm...

2010-01-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: So I've decided that I may need to get someone else to play Perin. Jadey isn't on nearly as much anymore and Perin is far too important of a character to leave out of the loop too many times for too long. Anyone interested in taking the part?

2010-01-30 [XxTsomexX]: I will, but I will have to read-up on the character first. (Since I only have one character, and was thinking of making another one anyways.)

2010-01-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *nods* Good. PM Message me when you've finished reading up on him.

2010-10-14 [shadowfire09]: I'm sorry I'm not on hardly at all anymore Lainie,

2010-10-14 [Elwyne]: I haven't been on either... course I lost my computer for a long time and only got a working one recently (though it's a peice of crap)

2010-10-14 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *shrugs*

2010-10-16 [XxTsomexX]: I was wondering about this a few days ago XD

2010-10-16 [Elwyne]: so... what's happening here. I've been gone so long I'm lost.

2011-08-09 [XxTsomexX]: I MISS THIS!! D:

2011-08-09 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I rather miss this too. I loved the idea of a fairy tale roleplay. :(

2011-08-09 [XxTsomexX]: Right? Too bad we couldn't restart it..

2011-08-09 [Artsy]: Oh hey... I was in this. Poor Alex (i think?) got killed off twice.... Good times.

2011-08-12 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: OOOOO-KAY! Time to revamp this bitch! *fires up the defib* :D

2011-08-12 [XxTsomexX]: YAY!! :D

2011-08-12 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *laughs* Hmmm... but how to start...?

2011-08-12 [XxTsomexX]: Hmmm

2011-08-23 [Kbird]: may I join?

2011-08-23 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Of course! :) Feel free to make a character following the bio outline and send it to me. :)

2011-08-27 [Kbird]: ok thank!

2011-09-29 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Would it be ok if I rejoined with my old character Ihara?

2011-09-29 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Yes, that would be fine. :)

2011-11-04 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: There! All the pages are clean! :)

2011-11-25 [Artsy]: -sigh- I'm incredibly disappointed in how easy it is to get past these supposedly almighty peoples' defenses. Guards not stopping people from going into the castle... Everybody just WALKING past Meyadeth's wards/shield thingies...

2011-11-25 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Indeed.... >.>

2011-11-25 [Atayemi]: They're probably drinking Mountain Dew.

2011-11-25 [Artsy]: Hell, I'm thinking of making Nanne seriously ill from tearing up Hanae's plants... People need to be weak sometimes you know... you don't ALWAYS have to avoid a punch or spell or something...

I'm so proud of Xavius!

2011-11-25 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Lol! Indeed... Xavius is really playing the whole unconscious role rather well. XD And yes, make Nanne seriously ill from Hanae's plants just as Arlen gets back to the castle. XD

2011-11-25 [Artsy]: His death, or recovery, can be determined later on. For now, I think collapsing him and putting him in bed will be good...

2012-02-02 [nightmarechild]: Um hi im new how do i join this thing

2012-02-03 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Well, just make a character on a separate wiki and send it to me. :)

2012-03-05 [Artsy]: Did this like... stop?

2012-03-05 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *sigh* I don't know... People stopped posting. :/

2012-03-05 [Eyelash-Wishes]: I miss this place :(

2012-03-05 [Artsy]: I can't really remember where people are anymore.... -looks at bookmarked wiki changes- ... oh dear. Southern forests?

2012-03-05 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: There's where Tsome (Eyelash) and I (Arlen) and I think Perin (Tsome) are. Meyadeth and the others are still at his cottage.... a few other characters are at the palace... *mumbles insanities*

2012-03-05 [Artsy]: I'm pretty lost..... Re-start? ^^; haha, j/k

2012-03-05 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *headdesk*

2012-03-05 [Artsy]: -pats your back gently- it is a sad thing.. You have such good stories Cat-chan... =(

2012-03-05 [Evolution X]: indeed. *nods and sighs*

2012-03-05 [Eyelash-Wishes]: we're waiting on the Queen and Amareth in the Southern forests and I think I posted for Ihara last in Golandith...

2012-08-02 [shadow_walker]: so I have to ask is this still going at all or is it pretty much over?

2012-08-02 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *shrugs* It's been quiet here for a while now... I'm going to assume it's dead.

2012-08-02 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Aw :( I really liked this place

2012-08-02 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Me too.

2012-08-02 [Eyelash-Wishes]: maybe a revival?

2012-08-04 [shadow_walker]: would be fun if there was

2012-08-04 [Artsy]: I'd probably rejoin. I really liked my characters, and I think this is the only rp I was in where I didn't have a good guy.. or at least, not a very important one. And this one had a substory I actually kept up with (with Evo's character sort of) and I liked that... Cuz it was still sorta with the story, but separate). Anyway... Yeah, I'd rejoin. =)

2012-08-04 [XxTsomexX]: I would rejoin :)

2012-08-04 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: It would be the second revival...

2012-08-04 [Artsy]: Sometimes stories end in ways we don't want them to, it doesn't mean we wouldn't read and imagine them again.

2012-08-11 [shadow_walker]: I would join I think it could help my writing

2012-10-26 [Kbird]: I would join but I'm terrified touch anything, would have to have July 47's help.^.^'

2013-02-10 [Artsy]: So.... What's going on here?

2013-02-10 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: People stopped posting, so i'm assuming it's dead. That's why I created Sleeping Handsome.

2013-02-10 [Eyelash-Wishes]: This was a good rp

2013-02-10 [Artsy]: If it was my post, I'm sorry.... Usually when I forget about rps, it's from waiting so long for someone else to post... =(

2013-02-14 [shadow_walker]: why not just reboot

2013-02-14 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Because we've already done that twice and both times failed.

2013-02-21 [shadow_walker]: oh sad day hmm there has to be something I hate seeing a good rp die out its sad panda man and no one likes sad panda

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